MuJoCo.jl Documentation

Documentation for MuJoCo.jl, a wrapper for DeepMind's MuJoCo library.

Welcome to the documentation for MuJoCo.jl. This package contains a Julia wrapper for DeepMind's general-purpose physics engine, allowing users to simulate robotic systems, their controllers, and their interactions with surrounding environments, all in native Julia.

This wrapper aims to provide a simple, performant interface to the MuJoCo C library, allowing direct manipulation of the data used by the C engine for optimal performance. See the MuJoCo API page for our wrapped functions. We also provide a thin wrapper directly around the MuJoCo C library, which directly wraps all functions exported by the libmujoco.h header file. You can view the structs and functions available in the LibMuJoCo Index page.


The version of MuJoCo this package uses is always made to match the version of MuJoCo_jll, checked via

import Pkg
Pkg.status("MuJoCo_jll"; mode=Pkg.PKGMODE_MANIFEST)
Status `~/work/MuJoCo.jl/MuJoCo.jl/docs/Manifest.toml`
  [32af7c3b] MuJoCo_jll v3.1.6+0






Much of this project builds upon the work from Lyceum and their package Lyceum/MuJoCo.jl, along with their visualisation project LyceumMuJoCoViz. We would like to thank the authors of these packages for their amazing work in originally bringing MuJoCo to Julia.