


  • narena: size of the arena in bytes (inclusive of the stack)
  • nbuffer: size of main buffer in bytes
  • nplugin: number of plugin instances
  • pstack: first available mjtNum address in stack
  • pbase: value of pstack when mj_markStack was last called
  • parena: first available byte in arena
  • maxuse_stack: maximum stack allocation in bytes
  • maxuse_threadstack: maximum stack allocation per thread in bytes
  • maxuse_arena: maximum arena allocation in bytes
  • maxuse_con: maximum number of contacts
  • maxuse_efc: maximum number of scalar constraints
  • warning: warning statistics
  • timer: timer statistics
  • solver: solver statistics per island, per iteration
  • solver_nisland: number of islands processed by solver
  • solver_niter: number of solver iterations, per island
  • solver_nnz: number of non-zeros in Hessian or efc_AR, per island
  • solver_fwdinv: forward-inverse comparison: qfrc, efc
  • ne: number of equality constraints
  • nf: number of friction constraints
  • nl: number of limit constraints
  • nefc: number of constraints
  • nnzJ: number of non-zeros in constraint Jacobian
  • ncon: number of detected contacts
  • nisland: number of detected constraint islands
  • time: simulation time
  • energy: potential, kinetic energy
  • buffer: main buffer; all pointers point in it (nbuffer bytes)
  • arena: arena+stack buffer (narena bytes)
  • qpos: position (nq x 1)
  • qvel: velocity (nv x 1)
  • act: actuator activation (na x 1)
  • qacc_warmstart: acceleration used for warmstart (nv x 1)
  • plugin_state: plugin state (npluginstate x 1)
  • ctrl: control (nu x 1)
  • qfrc_applied: applied generalized force (nv x 1)
  • xfrc_applied: applied Cartesian force/torque (nbody x 6)
  • eq_active: enable/disable constraints (neq x 1)
  • mocap_pos: positions of mocap bodies (nmocap x 3)
  • mocap_quat: orientations of mocap bodies (nmocap x 4)
  • qacc: acceleration (nv x 1)
  • act_dot: time-derivative of actuator activation (na x 1)
  • userdata: user data, not touched by engine (nuserdata x 1)
  • sensordata: sensor data array (nsensordata x 1)
  • plugin: copy of m->plugin, required for deletion (nplugin x 1)
  • plugin_data: pointer to plugin-managed data structure (nplugin x 1)
  • xpos: Cartesian position of body frame (nbody x 3)
  • xquat: Cartesian orientation of body frame (nbody x 4)
  • xmat: Cartesian orientation of body frame (nbody x 9)
  • xipos: Cartesian position of body com (nbody x 3)
  • ximat: Cartesian orientation of body inertia (nbody x 9)
  • xanchor: Cartesian position of joint anchor (njnt x 3)
  • xaxis: Cartesian joint axis (njnt x 3)
  • geom_xpos: Cartesian geom position (ngeom x 3)
  • geom_xmat: Cartesian geom orientation (ngeom x 9)
  • site_xpos: Cartesian site position (nsite x 3)
  • site_xmat: Cartesian site orientation (nsite x 9)
  • cam_xpos: Cartesian camera position (ncam x 3)
  • cam_xmat: Cartesian camera orientation (ncam x 9)
  • light_xpos: Cartesian light position (nlight x 3)
  • light_xdir: Cartesian light direction (nlight x 3)
  • subtree_com: center of mass of each subtree (nbody x 3)
  • cdof: com-based motion axis of each dof (rot:lin) (nv x 6)
  • cinert: com-based body inertia and mass (nbody x 10)
  • flexvert_xpos: Cartesian flex vertex positions (nflexvert x 3)
  • flexelem_aabb: flex element bounding boxes (center, size) (nflexelem x 6)
  • flexedge_J_rownnz: number of non-zeros in Jacobian row (nflexedge x 1)
  • flexedge_J_rowadr: row start address in colind array (nflexedge x 1)
  • flexedge_J_colind: column indices in sparse Jacobian (nflexedge x nv)
  • flexedge_J: flex edge Jacobian (nflexedge x nv)
  • flexedge_length: flex edge lengths (nflexedge x 1)
  • ten_wrapadr: start address of tendon's path (ntendon x 1)
  • ten_wrapnum: number of wrap points in path (ntendon x 1)
  • ten_J_rownnz: number of non-zeros in Jacobian row (ntendon x 1)
  • ten_J_rowadr: row start address in colind array (ntendon x 1)
  • ten_J_colind: column indices in sparse Jacobian (ntendon x nv)
  • ten_J: tendon Jacobian (ntendon x nv)
  • ten_length: tendon lengths (ntendon x 1)
  • wrap_obj: geom id; -1: site; -2: pulley (nwrap*2 x 1)
  • wrap_xpos: Cartesian 3D points in all path (nwrap*2 x 3)
  • actuator_length: actuator lengths (nu x 1)
  • actuator_moment: actuator moments (nu x nv)
  • crb: com-based composite inertia and mass (nbody x 10)
  • qM: total inertia (sparse) (nM x 1)
  • qLD: L'DL factorization of M (sparse) (nM x 1)
  • qLDiagInv: 1/diag(D) (nv x 1)
  • qLDiagSqrtInv: 1/sqrt(diag(D)) (nv x 1)
  • bvh_aabb_dyn: global bounding box (center, size) (nbvhdynamic x 6)
  • bvh_active: volume has been added to collisions (nbvh x 1)
  • flexedge_velocity: flex edge velocities (nflexedge x 1)
  • ten_velocity: tendon velocities (ntendon x 1)
  • actuator_velocity: actuator velocities (nu x 1)
  • cvel: com-based velocity (rot:lin) (nbody x 6)
  • cdof_dot: time-derivative of cdof (rot:lin) (nv x 6)
  • qfrc_bias: C(qpos,qvel) (nv x 1)
  • qfrc_spring: passive spring force (nv x 1)
  • qfrc_damper: passive damper force (nv x 1)
  • qfrc_gravcomp: passive gravity compensation force (nv x 1)
  • qfrc_fluid: passive fluid force (nv x 1)
  • qfrc_passive: total passive force (nv x 1)
  • subtree_linvel: linear velocity of subtree com (nbody x 3)
  • subtree_angmom: angular momentum about subtree com (nbody x 3)
  • qH: L'DL factorization of modified M (nM x 1)
  • qHDiagInv: 1/diag(D) of modified M (nv x 1)
  • D_rownnz: non-zeros in each row (nv x 1)
  • D_rowadr: address of each row in D_colind (nv x 1)
  • D_colind: column indices of non-zeros (nD x 1)
  • B_rownnz: non-zeros in each row (nbody x 1)
  • B_rowadr: address of each row in B_colind (nbody x 1)
  • B_colind: column indices of non-zeros (nB x 1)
  • qDeriv: d (passive + actuator - bias) / d qvel (nD x 1)
  • qLU: sparse LU of (qM - dt*qDeriv) (nD x 1)
  • actuator_force: actuator force in actuation space (nu x 1)
  • qfrc_actuator: actuator force (nv x 1)
  • qfrc_smooth: net unconstrained force (nv x 1)
  • qacc_smooth: unconstrained acceleration (nv x 1)
  • qfrc_constraint: constraint force (nv x 1)
  • qfrc_inverse: net external force; should equal: (nv x 1)qfrcapplied + J'*xfrcapplied + qfrc_actuator
  • cacc: com-based acceleration (nbody x 6)
  • cfrc_int: com-based interaction force with parent (nbody x 6)
  • cfrc_ext: com-based external force on body (nbody x 6)
  • contact: list of all detected contacts (ncon x 1)
  • efc_type: constraint type (mjtConstraint) (nefc x 1)
  • efc_id: id of object of specified type (nefc x 1)
  • efc_J_rownnz: number of non-zeros in constraint Jacobian row (nefc x 1)
  • efc_J_rowadr: row start address in colind array (nefc x 1)
  • efc_J_rowsuper: number of subsequent rows in supernode (nefc x 1)
  • efc_J_colind: column indices in constraint Jacobian (nnzJ x 1)
  • efc_JT_rownnz: number of non-zeros in constraint Jacobian row T (nv x 1)
  • efc_JT_rowadr: row start address in colind array T (nv x 1)
  • efc_JT_rowsuper: number of subsequent rows in supernode T (nv x 1)
  • efc_JT_colind: column indices in constraint Jacobian T (nnzJ x 1)
  • efc_J: constraint Jacobian (nnzJ x 1)
  • efc_JT: constraint Jacobian transposed (nnzJ x 1)
  • efc_pos: constraint position (equality, contact) (nefc x 1)
  • efc_margin: inclusion margin (contact) (nefc x 1)
  • efc_frictionloss: frictionloss (friction) (nefc x 1)
  • efc_diagApprox: approximation to diagonal of A (nefc x 1)
  • efc_KBIP: stiffness, damping, impedance, imp' (nefc x 4)
  • efc_D: constraint mass (nefc x 1)
  • efc_R: inverse constraint mass (nefc x 1)
  • tendon_efcadr: first efc address involving tendon; -1: none (ntendon x 1)
  • dof_island: island id of this dof; -1: none (nv x 1)
  • island_dofnum: number of dofs in island (nisland x 1)
  • island_dofadr: start address in island_dofind (nisland x 1)
  • island_dofind: island dof indices; -1: none (nv x 1)
  • dof_islandind: dof island indices; -1: none (nv x 1)
  • efc_island: island id of this constraint (nefc x 1)
  • island_efcnum: number of constraints in island (nisland x 1)
  • island_efcadr: start address in island_efcind (nisland x 1)
  • island_efcind: island constraint indices (nefc x 1)
  • efc_AR_rownnz: number of non-zeros in AR (nefc x 1)
  • efc_AR_rowadr: row start address in colind array (nefc x 1)
  • efc_AR_colind: column indices in sparse AR (nefc x nefc)
  • efc_AR: Jinv(M)J' + R (nefc x nefc)
  • efc_vel: velocity in constraint space: J*qvel (nefc x 1)
  • efc_aref: reference pseudo-acceleration (nefc x 1)
  • efc_b: linear cost term: J*qacc_smooth - aref (nefc x 1)
  • efc_force: constraint force in constraint space (nefc x 1)
  • efc_state: constraint state (mjtConstraintState) (nefc x 1)
  • threadpool: ThreadPool for multithreaded operations


  • nq: number of generalized coordinates = dim(qpos)
  • nv: number of degrees of freedom = dim(qvel)
  • nu: number of actuators/controls = dim(ctrl)
  • na: number of activation states = dim(act)
  • nbody: number of bodies
  • nbvh: number of total bounding volumes in all bodies
  • nbvhstatic: number of static bounding volumes (aabb stored in mjModel)
  • nbvhdynamic: number of dynamic bounding volumes (aabb stored in mjData)
  • njnt: number of joints
  • ngeom: number of geoms
  • nsite: number of sites
  • ncam: number of cameras
  • nlight: number of lights
  • nflex: number of flexes
  • nflexvert: number of vertices in all flexes
  • nflexedge: number of edges in all flexes
  • nflexelem: number of elements in all flexes
  • nflexelemdata: number of element vertex ids in all flexes
  • nflexshelldata: number of shell fragment vertex ids in all flexes
  • nflexevpair: number of element-vertex pairs in all flexes
  • nflextexcoord: number of vertices with texture coordinates
  • nmesh: number of meshes
  • nmeshvert: number of vertices in all meshes
  • nmeshnormal: number of normals in all meshes
  • nmeshtexcoord: number of texcoords in all meshes
  • nmeshface: number of triangular faces in all meshes
  • nmeshgraph: number of ints in mesh auxiliary data
  • nskin: number of skins
  • nskinvert: number of vertices in all skins
  • nskintexvert: number of vertiex with texcoords in all skins
  • nskinface: number of triangular faces in all skins
  • nskinbone: number of bones in all skins
  • nskinbonevert: number of vertices in all skin bones
  • nhfield: number of heightfields
  • nhfielddata: number of data points in all heightfields
  • ntex: number of textures
  • ntexdata: number of bytes in texture rgb data
  • nmat: number of materials
  • npair: number of predefined geom pairs
  • nexclude: number of excluded geom pairs
  • neq: number of equality constraints
  • ntendon: number of tendons
  • nwrap: number of wrap objects in all tendon paths
  • nsensor: number of sensors
  • nnumeric: number of numeric custom fields
  • nnumericdata: number of mjtNums in all numeric fields
  • ntext: number of text custom fields
  • ntextdata: number of mjtBytes in all text fields
  • ntuple: number of tuple custom fields
  • ntupledata: number of objects in all tuple fields
  • nkey: number of keyframes
  • nmocap: number of mocap bodies
  • nplugin: number of plugin instances
  • npluginattr: number of chars in all plugin config attributes
  • nuser_body: number of mjtNums in body_user
  • nuser_jnt: number of mjtNums in jnt_user
  • nuser_geom: number of mjtNums in geom_user
  • nuser_site: number of mjtNums in site_user
  • nuser_cam: number of mjtNums in cam_user
  • nuser_tendon: number of mjtNums in tendon_user
  • nuser_actuator: number of mjtNums in actuator_user
  • nuser_sensor: number of mjtNums in sensor_user
  • nnames: number of chars in all names
  • nnames_map: number of slots in the names hash map
  • npaths: number of chars in all paths
  • nM: number of non-zeros in sparse inertia matrix
  • nD: number of non-zeros in sparse dof-dof matrix
  • nB: number of non-zeros in sparse body-dof matrix
  • ntree: number of kinematic trees under world body
  • ngravcomp: number of bodies with nonzero gravcomp
  • nemax: number of potential equality-constraint rows
  • njmax: number of available rows in constraint Jacobian
  • nconmax: number of potential contacts in contact list
  • nuserdata: number of mjtNums reserved for the user
  • nsensordata: number of mjtNums in sensor data vector
  • npluginstate: number of mjtNums in plugin state vector
  • narena: number of bytes in the mjData arena (inclusive of stack)
  • nbuffer: number of bytes in buffer
  • opt: physics options
  • vis: visualization options
  • stat: model statistics
  • buffer: main buffer; all pointers point in it (nbuffer)
  • qpos0: qpos values at default pose (nq x 1)
  • qpos_spring: reference pose for springs (nq x 1)
  • body_parentid: id of body's parent (nbody x 1)
  • body_rootid: id of root above body (nbody x 1)
  • body_weldid: id of body that this body is welded to (nbody x 1)
  • body_mocapid: id of mocap data; -1: none (nbody x 1)
  • body_jntnum: number of joints for this body (nbody x 1)
  • body_jntadr: start addr of joints; -1: no joints (nbody x 1)
  • body_dofnum: number of motion degrees of freedom (nbody x 1)
  • body_dofadr: start addr of dofs; -1: no dofs (nbody x 1)
  • body_treeid: id of body's kinematic tree; -1: static (nbody x 1)
  • body_geomnum: number of geoms (nbody x 1)
  • body_geomadr: start addr of geoms; -1: no geoms (nbody x 1)
  • body_simple: 1: diag M; 2: diag M, sliders only (nbody x 1)
  • body_sameframe: inertial frame is same as body frame (nbody x 1)
  • body_pos: position offset rel. to parent body (nbody x 3)
  • body_quat: orientation offset rel. to parent body (nbody x 4)
  • body_ipos: local position of center of mass (nbody x 3)
  • body_iquat: local orientation of inertia ellipsoid (nbody x 4)
  • body_mass: mass (nbody x 1)
  • body_subtreemass: mass of subtree starting at this body (nbody x 1)
  • body_inertia: diagonal inertia in ipos/iquat frame (nbody x 3)
  • body_invweight0: mean inv inert in qpos0 (trn, rot) (nbody x 2)
  • body_gravcomp: antigravity force, units of body weight (nbody x 1)
  • body_margin: MAX over all geom margins (nbody x 1)
  • body_user: user data (nbody x nuser_body)
  • body_plugin: plugin instance id; -1: not in use (nbody x 1)
  • body_contype: OR over all geom contypes (nbody x 1)
  • body_conaffinity: OR over all geom conaffinities (nbody x 1)
  • body_bvhadr: address of bvh root (nbody x 1)
  • body_bvhnum: number of bounding volumes (nbody x 1)
  • bvh_depth: depth in the bounding volume hierarchy (nbvh x 1)
  • bvh_child: left and right children in tree (nbvh x 2)
  • bvh_nodeid: geom or elem id of node; -1: non-leaf (nbvh x 1)
  • bvh_aabb: local bounding box (center, size) (nbvhstatic x 6)
  • jnt_type: type of joint (mjtJoint) (njnt x 1)
  • jnt_qposadr: start addr in 'qpos' for joint's data (njnt x 1)
  • jnt_dofadr: start addr in 'qvel' for joint's data (njnt x 1)
  • jnt_bodyid: id of joint's body (njnt x 1)
  • jnt_group: group for visibility (njnt x 1)
  • jnt_limited: does joint have limits (njnt x 1)
  • jnt_actfrclimited: does joint have actuator force limits (njnt x 1)
  • jnt_actgravcomp: is gravcomp force applied via actuators (njnt x 1)
  • jnt_solref: constraint solver reference: limit (njnt x mjNREF)
  • jnt_solimp: constraint solver impedance: limit (njnt x mjNIMP)
  • jnt_pos: local anchor position (njnt x 3)
  • jnt_axis: local joint axis (njnt x 3)
  • jnt_stiffness: stiffness coefficient (njnt x 1)
  • jnt_range: joint limits (njnt x 2)
  • jnt_actfrcrange: range of total actuator force (njnt x 2)
  • jnt_margin: min distance for limit detection (njnt x 1)
  • jnt_user: user data (njnt x nuser_jnt)
  • dof_bodyid: id of dof's body (nv x 1)
  • dof_jntid: id of dof's joint (nv x 1)
  • dof_parentid: id of dof's parent; -1: none (nv x 1)
  • dof_treeid: id of dof's kinematic tree (nv x 1)
  • dof_Madr: dof address in M-diagonal (nv x 1)
  • dof_simplenum: number of consecutive simple dofs (nv x 1)
  • dof_solref: constraint solver reference:frictionloss (nv x mjNREF)
  • dof_solimp: constraint solver impedance:frictionloss (nv x mjNIMP)
  • dof_frictionloss: dof friction loss (nv x 1)
  • dof_armature: dof armature inertia/mass (nv x 1)
  • dof_damping: damping coefficient (nv x 1)
  • dof_invweight0: diag. inverse inertia in qpos0 (nv x 1)
  • dof_M0: diag. inertia in qpos0 (nv x 1)
  • geom_type: geometric type (mjtGeom) (ngeom x 1)
  • geom_contype: geom contact type (ngeom x 1)
  • geom_conaffinity: geom contact affinity (ngeom x 1)
  • geom_condim: contact dimensionality (1, 3, 4, 6) (ngeom x 1)
  • geom_bodyid: id of geom's body (ngeom x 1)
  • geom_dataid: id of geom's mesh/hfield; -1: none (ngeom x 1)
  • geom_matid: material id for rendering; -1: none (ngeom x 1)
  • geom_group: group for visibility (ngeom x 1)
  • geom_priority: geom contact priority (ngeom x 1)
  • geom_plugin: plugin instance id; -1: not in use (ngeom x 1)
  • geom_sameframe: same as body frame (1) or iframe (2) (ngeom x 1)
  • geom_solmix: mixing coef for solref/imp in geom pair (ngeom x 1)
  • geom_solref: constraint solver reference: contact (ngeom x mjNREF)
  • geom_solimp: constraint solver impedance: contact (ngeom x mjNIMP)
  • geom_size: geom-specific size parameters (ngeom x 3)
  • geom_aabb: bounding box, (center, size) (ngeom x 6)
  • geom_rbound: radius of bounding sphere (ngeom x 1)
  • geom_pos: local position offset rel. to body (ngeom x 3)
  • geom_quat: local orientation offset rel. to body (ngeom x 4)
  • geom_friction: friction for (slide, spin, roll) (ngeom x 3)
  • geom_margin: detect contact if dist<margin(ngeom x 1)
  • geom_gap: include in solver if dist<margin-gap (ngeom x 1)
  • geom_fluid: fluid interaction parameters (ngeom x mjNFLUID)
  • geom_user: user data (ngeom x nuser_geom)
  • geom_rgba: rgba when material is omitted (ngeom x 4)
  • site_type: geom type for rendering (mjtGeom) (nsite x 1)
  • site_bodyid: id of site's body (nsite x 1)
  • site_matid: material id for rendering; -1: none (nsite x 1)
  • site_group: group for visibility (nsite x 1)
  • site_sameframe: same as body frame (1) or iframe (2) (nsite x 1)
  • site_size: geom size for rendering (nsite x 3)
  • site_pos: local position offset rel. to body (nsite x 3)
  • site_quat: local orientation offset rel. to body (nsite x 4)
  • site_user: user data (nsite x nuser_site)
  • site_rgba: rgba when material is omitted (nsite x 4)
  • cam_mode: camera tracking mode (mjtCamLight) (ncam x 1)
  • cam_bodyid: id of camera's body (ncam x 1)
  • cam_targetbodyid: id of targeted body; -1: none (ncam x 1)
  • cam_pos: position rel. to body frame (ncam x 3)
  • cam_quat: orientation rel. to body frame (ncam x 4)
  • cam_poscom0: global position rel. to sub-com in qpos0 (ncam x 3)
  • cam_pos0: global position rel. to body in qpos0 (ncam x 3)
  • cam_mat0: global orientation in qpos0 (ncam x 9)
  • cam_resolution: [width, height] in pixels (ncam x 2)
  • cam_fovy: y-field of view (deg) (ncam x 1)
  • cam_intrinsic: focal length; principal point
  • cam_sensorsize: sensor size (ncam x 2)
  • cam_ipd: inter-pupilary distance (ncam x 1)
  • cam_user: user data (ncam x nuser_cam)
  • light_mode: light tracking mode (mjtCamLight) (nlight x 1)
  • light_bodyid: id of light's body (nlight x 1)
  • light_targetbodyid: id of targeted body; -1: none (nlight x 1)
  • light_directional: directional light (nlight x 1)
  • light_castshadow: does light cast shadows (nlight x 1)
  • light_bulbradius: light radius for soft shadows (nlight x 1)
  • light_active: is light on (nlight x 1)
  • light_pos: position rel. to body frame (nlight x 3)
  • light_dir: direction rel. to body frame (nlight x 3)
  • light_poscom0: global position rel. to sub-com in qpos0 (nlight x 3)
  • light_pos0: global position rel. to body in qpos0 (nlight x 3)
  • light_dir0: global direction in qpos0 (nlight x 3)
  • light_attenuation: OpenGL attenuation (quadratic model) (nlight x 3)
  • light_cutoff: OpenGL cutoff (nlight x 1)
  • light_exponent: OpenGL exponent (nlight x 1)
  • light_ambient: ambient rgb (alpha=1) (nlight x 3)
  • light_diffuse: diffuse rgb (alpha=1) (nlight x 3)
  • light_specular: specular rgb (alpha=1) (nlight x 3)
  • flex_contype: flex contact type (nflex x 1)
  • flex_conaffinity: flex contact affinity (nflex x 1)
  • flex_condim: contact dimensionality (1, 3, 4, 6) (nflex x 1)
  • flex_priority: flex contact priority (nflex x 1)
  • flex_solmix: mix coef for solref/imp in contact pair (nflex x 1)
  • flex_solref: constraint solver reference: contact (nflex x mjNREF)
  • flex_solimp: constraint solver impedance: contact (nflex x mjNIMP)
  • flex_friction: friction for (slide, spin, roll) (nflex x 3)
  • flex_margin: detect contact if dist<margin(nflex x 1)
  • flex_gap: include in solver if dist<margin-gap (nflex x 1)
  • flex_internal: internal flex collision enabled (nflex x 1)
  • flex_selfcollide: self collision mode (mjtFlexSelf) (nflex x 1)
  • flex_activelayers: number of active element layers, 3D only (nflex x 1)
  • flex_dim: 1: lines, 2: triangles, 3: tetrahedra (nflex x 1)
  • flex_matid: material id for rendering (nflex x 1)
  • flex_group: group for visibility (nflex x 1)
  • flex_vertadr: first vertex address (nflex x 1)
  • flex_vertnum: number of vertices (nflex x 1)
  • flex_edgeadr: first edge address (nflex x 1)
  • flex_edgenum: number of edges (nflex x 1)
  • flex_elemadr: first element address (nflex x 1)
  • flex_elemnum: number of elements (nflex x 1)
  • flex_elemdataadr: first element vertex id address (nflex x 1)
  • flex_shellnum: number of shells (nflex x 1)
  • flex_shelldataadr: first shell data address (nflex x 1)
  • flex_evpairadr: first evpair address (nflex x 1)
  • flex_evpairnum: number of evpairs (nflex x 1)
  • flex_texcoordadr: address in flex_texcoord; -1: none (nflex x 1)
  • flex_vertbodyid: vertex body ids (nflexvert x 1)
  • flex_edge: edge vertex ids (2 per edge) (nflexedge x 2)
  • flex_elem: element vertex ids (dim+1 per elem) (nflexelemdata x 1)
  • flex_elemlayer: element distance from surface, 3D only (nflexelem x 1)
  • flex_shell: shell fragment vertex ids (dim per frag) (nflexshelldata x 1)
  • flex_evpair: (element, vertex) collision pairs (nflexevpair x 2)
  • flex_vert: vertex positions in local body frames (nflexvert x 3)
  • flex_xvert0: Cartesian vertex positions in qpos0 (nflexvert x 3)
  • flexedge_length0: edge lengths in qpos0 (nflexedge x 1)
  • flexedge_invweight0: edge inv. weight in qpos0 (nflexedge x 1)
  • flex_radius: radius around primitive element (nflex x 1)
  • flex_edgestiffness: edge stiffness (nflex x 1)
  • flex_edgedamping: edge damping (nflex x 1)
  • flex_edgeequality: is edge equality constraint defined (nflex x 1)
  • flex_rigid: are all verices in the same body (nflex x 1)
  • flexedge_rigid: are both edge vertices in same body (nflexedge x 1)
  • flex_centered: are all vertex coordinates (0,0,0) (nflex x 1)
  • flex_flatskin: render flex skin with flat shading (nflex x 1)
  • flex_bvhadr: address of bvh root; -1: no bvh (nflex x 1)
  • flex_bvhnum: number of bounding volumes (nflex x 1)
  • flex_rgba: rgba when material is omitted (nflex x 4)
  • flex_texcoord: vertex texture coordinates (nflextexcoord x 2)
  • mesh_vertadr: first vertex address (nmesh x 1)
  • mesh_vertnum: number of vertices (nmesh x 1)
  • mesh_faceadr: first face address (nmesh x 1)
  • mesh_facenum: number of faces (nmesh x 1)
  • mesh_bvhadr: address of bvh root (nmesh x 1)
  • mesh_bvhnum: number of bvh (nmesh x 1)
  • mesh_normaladr: first normal address (nmesh x 1)
  • mesh_normalnum: number of normals (nmesh x 1)
  • mesh_texcoordadr: texcoord data address; -1: no texcoord (nmesh x 1)
  • mesh_texcoordnum: number of texcoord (nmesh x 1)
  • mesh_graphadr: graph data address; -1: no graph (nmesh x 1)
  • mesh_vert: vertex positions for all meshes (nmeshvert x 3)
  • mesh_normal: normals for all meshes (nmeshnormal x 3)
  • mesh_texcoord: vertex texcoords for all meshes (nmeshtexcoord x 2)
  • mesh_face: vertex face data (nmeshface x 3)
  • mesh_facenormal: normal face data (nmeshface x 3)
  • mesh_facetexcoord: texture face data (nmeshface x 3)
  • mesh_graph: convex graph data (nmeshgraph x 1)
  • mesh_scale: scaling applied to asset vertices (nmesh x 3)
  • mesh_pos: translation applied to asset vertices (nmesh x 3)
  • mesh_quat: rotation applied to asset vertices (nmesh x 4)
  • mesh_pathadr: address of asset path for mesh; -1: none (nmesh x 1)
  • skin_matid: skin material id; -1: none (nskin x 1)
  • skin_group: group for visibility (nskin x 1)
  • skin_rgba: skin rgba (nskin x 4)
  • skin_inflate: inflate skin in normal direction (nskin x 1)
  • skin_vertadr: first vertex address (nskin x 1)
  • skin_vertnum: number of vertices (nskin x 1)
  • skin_texcoordadr: texcoord data address; -1: no texcoord (nskin x 1)
  • skin_faceadr: first face address (nskin x 1)
  • skin_facenum: number of faces (nskin x 1)
  • skin_boneadr: first bone in skin (nskin x 1)
  • skin_bonenum: number of bones in skin (nskin x 1)
  • skin_vert: vertex positions for all skin meshes (nskinvert x 3)
  • skin_texcoord: vertex texcoords for all skin meshes (nskintexvert x 2)
  • skin_face: triangle faces for all skin meshes (nskinface x 3)
  • skin_bonevertadr: first vertex in each bone (nskinbone x 1)
  • skin_bonevertnum: number of vertices in each bone (nskinbone x 1)
  • skin_bonebindpos: bind pos of each bone (nskinbone x 3)
  • skin_bonebindquat: bind quat of each bone (nskinbone x 4)
  • skin_bonebodyid: body id of each bone (nskinbone x 1)
  • skin_bonevertid: mesh ids of vertices in each bone (nskinbonevert x 1)
  • skin_bonevertweight: weights of vertices in each bone (nskinbonevert x 1)
  • skin_pathadr: address of asset path for skin; -1: none (nskin x 1)
  • hfield_size: (x, y, ztop, zbottom) (nhfield x 4)
  • hfield_nrow: number of rows in grid (nhfield x 1)
  • hfield_ncol: number of columns in grid (nhfield x 1)
  • hfield_adr: address in hfield_data (nhfield x 1)
  • hfield_data: elevation data (nhfielddata x 1)
  • hfield_pathadr: address of hfield asset path; -1: none (nhfield x 1)
  • tex_type: texture type (mjtTexture) (ntex x 1)
  • tex_height: number of rows in texture image (ntex x 1)
  • tex_width: number of columns in texture image (ntex x 1)
  • tex_adr: address in rgb (ntex x 1)
  • tex_rgb: rgb (alpha = 1) (ntexdata x 1)
  • tex_pathadr: address of texture asset path; -1: none (ntex x 1)
  • mat_texid: texture id; -1: none (nmat x 1)
  • mat_texuniform: make texture cube uniform (nmat x 1)
  • mat_texrepeat: texture repetition for 2d mapping (nmat x 2)
  • mat_emission: emission (x rgb) (nmat x 1)
  • mat_specular: specular (x white) (nmat x 1)
  • mat_shininess: shininess coef (nmat x 1)
  • mat_reflectance: reflectance (0: disable) (nmat x 1)
  • mat_metallic: metallic coef (nmat x 1)
  • mat_roughness: roughness coef (nmat x 1)
  • mat_rgba: rgba (nmat x 4)
  • pair_dim: contact dimensionality (npair x 1)
  • pair_geom1: id of geom1 (npair x 1)
  • pair_geom2: id of geom2 (npair x 1)
  • pair_signature: body1<<16 + body2 (npair x 1)
  • pair_solref: solver reference: contact normal (npair x mjNREF)
  • pair_solreffriction: solver reference: contact friction (npair x mjNREF)
  • pair_solimp: solver impedance: contact (npair x mjNIMP)
  • pair_margin: detect contact if dist<margin(npair x 1)
  • pair_gap: include in solver if dist<margin-gap (npair x 1)
  • pair_friction: tangent1, 2, spin, roll1, 2 (npair x 5)
  • exclude_signature: body1<<16 + body2 (nexclude x 1)
  • eq_type: constraint type (mjtEq) (neq x 1)
  • eq_obj1id: id of object 1 (neq x 1)
  • eq_obj2id: id of object 2 (neq x 1)
  • eq_active0: initial enable/disable constraint state (neq x 1)
  • eq_solref: constraint solver reference (neq x mjNREF)
  • eq_solimp: constraint solver impedance (neq x mjNIMP)
  • eq_data: numeric data for constraint (neq x mjNEQDATA)
  • tendon_adr: address of first object in tendon's path (ntendon x 1)
  • tendon_num: number of objects in tendon's path (ntendon x 1)
  • tendon_matid: material id for rendering (ntendon x 1)
  • tendon_group: group for visibility (ntendon x 1)
  • tendon_limited: does tendon have length limits (ntendon x 1)
  • tendon_width: width for rendering (ntendon x 1)
  • tendon_solref_lim: constraint solver reference: limit (ntendon x mjNREF)
  • tendon_solimp_lim: constraint solver impedance: limit (ntendon x mjNIMP)
  • tendon_solref_fri: constraint solver reference: friction (ntendon x mjNREF)
  • tendon_solimp_fri: constraint solver impedance: friction (ntendon x mjNIMP)
  • tendon_range: tendon length limits (ntendon x 2)
  • tendon_margin: min distance for limit detection (ntendon x 1)
  • tendon_stiffness: stiffness coefficient (ntendon x 1)
  • tendon_damping: damping coefficient (ntendon x 1)
  • tendon_frictionloss: loss due to friction (ntendon x 1)
  • tendon_lengthspring: spring resting length range (ntendon x 2)
  • tendon_length0: tendon length in qpos0 (ntendon x 1)
  • tendon_invweight0: inv. weight in qpos0 (ntendon x 1)
  • tendon_user: user data (ntendon x nuser_tendon)
  • tendon_rgba: rgba when material is omitted (ntendon x 4)
  • wrap_type: wrap object type (mjtWrap) (nwrap x 1)
  • wrap_objid: object id: geom, site, joint (nwrap x 1)
  • wrap_prm: divisor, joint coef, or site id (nwrap x 1)
  • actuator_trntype: transmission type (mjtTrn) (nu x 1)
  • actuator_dyntype: dynamics type (mjtDyn) (nu x 1)
  • actuator_gaintype: gain type (mjtGain) (nu x 1)
  • actuator_biastype: bias type (mjtBias) (nu x 1)
  • actuator_trnid: transmission id: joint, tendon, site (nu x 2)
  • actuator_actadr: first activation address; -1: stateless (nu x 1)
  • actuator_actnum: number of activation variables (nu x 1)
  • actuator_group: group for visibility (nu x 1)
  • actuator_ctrllimited: is control limited (nu x 1)
  • actuator_forcelimited: is force limited (nu x 1)
  • actuator_actlimited: is activation limited (nu x 1)
  • actuator_dynprm: dynamics parameters (nu x mjNDYN)
  • actuator_gainprm: gain parameters (nu x mjNGAIN)
  • actuator_biasprm: bias parameters (nu x mjNBIAS)
  • actuator_actearly: step activation before force (nu x 1)
  • actuator_ctrlrange: range of controls (nu x 2)
  • actuator_forcerange: range of forces (nu x 2)
  • actuator_actrange: range of activations (nu x 2)
  • actuator_gear: scale length and transmitted force (nu x 6)
  • actuator_cranklength: crank length for slider-crank (nu x 1)
  • actuator_acc0: acceleration from unit force in qpos0 (nu x 1)
  • actuator_length0: actuator length in qpos0 (nu x 1)
  • actuator_lengthrange: feasible actuator length range (nu x 2)
  • actuator_user: user data (nu x nuser_actuator)
  • actuator_plugin: plugin instance id; -1: not a plugin (nu x 1)
  • sensor_type: sensor type (mjtSensor) (nsensor x 1)
  • sensor_datatype: numeric data type (mjtDataType) (nsensor x 1)
  • sensor_needstage: required compute stage (mjtStage) (nsensor x 1)
  • sensor_objtype: type of sensorized object (mjtObj) (nsensor x 1)
  • sensor_objid: id of sensorized object (nsensor x 1)
  • sensor_reftype: type of reference frame (mjtObj) (nsensor x 1)
  • sensor_refid: id of reference frame; -1: global frame (nsensor x 1)
  • sensor_dim: number of scalar outputs (nsensor x 1)
  • sensor_adr: address in sensor array (nsensor x 1)
  • sensor_cutoff: cutoff for real and positive; 0: ignore (nsensor x 1)
  • sensor_noise: noise standard deviation (nsensor x 1)
  • sensor_user: user data (nsensor x nuser_sensor)
  • sensor_plugin: plugin instance id; -1: not a plugin (nsensor x 1)
  • plugin: globally registered plugin slot number (nplugin x 1)
  • plugin_stateadr: address in the plugin state array (nplugin x 1)
  • plugin_statenum: number of states in the plugin instance (nplugin x 1)
  • plugin_attr: config attributes of plugin instances (npluginattr x 1)
  • plugin_attradr: address to each instance's config attrib (nplugin x 1)
  • numeric_adr: address of field in numeric_data (nnumeric x 1)
  • numeric_size: size of numeric field (nnumeric x 1)
  • numeric_data: array of all numeric fields (nnumericdata x 1)
  • text_adr: address of text in text_data (ntext x 1)
  • text_size: size of text field (strlen+1) (ntext x 1)
  • text_data: array of all text fields (0-terminated) (ntextdata x 1)
  • tuple_adr: address of text in text_data (ntuple x 1)
  • tuple_size: number of objects in tuple (ntuple x 1)
  • tuple_objtype: array of object types in all tuples (ntupledata x 1)
  • tuple_objid: array of object ids in all tuples (ntupledata x 1)
  • tuple_objprm: array of object params in all tuples (ntupledata x 1)
  • key_time: key time (nkey x 1)
  • key_qpos: key position (nkey x nq)
  • key_qvel: key velocity (nkey x nv)
  • key_act: key activation (nkey x na)
  • key_mpos: key mocap position (nkey x 3*nmocap)
  • key_mquat: key mocap quaternion (nkey x 4*nmocap)
  • key_ctrl: key control (nkey x nu)
  • name_bodyadr: body name pointers (nbody x 1)
  • name_jntadr: joint name pointers (njnt x 1)
  • name_geomadr: geom name pointers (ngeom x 1)
  • name_siteadr: site name pointers (nsite x 1)
  • name_camadr: camera name pointers (ncam x 1)
  • name_lightadr: light name pointers (nlight x 1)
  • name_flexadr: flex name pointers (nflex x 1)
  • name_meshadr: mesh name pointers (nmesh x 1)
  • name_skinadr: skin name pointers (nskin x 1)
  • name_hfieldadr: hfield name pointers (nhfield x 1)
  • name_texadr: texture name pointers (ntex x 1)
  • name_matadr: material name pointers (nmat x 1)
  • name_pairadr: geom pair name pointers (npair x 1)
  • name_excludeadr: exclude name pointers (nexclude x 1)
  • name_eqadr: equality constraint name pointers (neq x 1)
  • name_tendonadr: tendon name pointers (ntendon x 1)
  • name_actuatoradr: actuator name pointers (nu x 1)
  • name_sensoradr: sensor name pointers (nsensor x 1)
  • name_numericadr: numeric name pointers (nnumeric x 1)
  • name_textadr: text name pointers (ntext x 1)
  • name_tupleadr: tuple name pointers (ntuple x 1)
  • name_keyadr: keyframe name pointers (nkey x 1)
  • name_pluginadr: plugin instance name pointers (nplugin x 1)
  • names: names of all objects, 0-terminated (nnames x 1)
  • names_map: internal hash map of names (nnames_map x 1)
  • paths: paths to assets, 0-terminated (npaths x 1)


  • timestep: timestep
  • apirate: update rate for remote API (Hz)
  • impratio: ratio of friction-to-normal contact impedance
  • tolerance: main solver tolerance
  • ls_tolerance: CG/Newton linesearch tolerance
  • noslip_tolerance: noslip solver tolerance
  • mpr_tolerance: MPR solver tolerance
  • gravity: gravitational acceleration
  • wind: wind (for lift, drag and viscosity)
  • magnetic: global magnetic flux
  • density: density of medium
  • viscosity: viscosity of medium
  • o_margin: margin
  • o_solref: solref
  • o_solimp: solimp
  • o_friction: friction
  • integrator: integration mode (mjtIntegrator)
  • cone: type of friction cone (mjtCone)
  • jacobian: type of Jacobian (mjtJacobian)
  • solver: solver algorithm (mjtSolver)
  • iterations: maximum number of main solver iterations
  • ls_iterations: maximum number of CG/Newton linesearch iterations
  • noslip_iterations: maximum number of noslip solver iterations
  • mpr_iterations: maximum number of MPR solver iterations
  • disableflags: bit flags for disabling standard features
  • enableflags: bit flags for enabling optional features
  • disableactuator: bit flags for disabling actuators by group id
  • sdf_initpoints: number of starting points for gradient descent
  • sdf_iterations: max number of iterations for gradient descent


  • meaninertia: mean diagonal inertia
  • meanmass: mean body mass
  • meansize: mean body size
  • extent: spatial extent
  • center: center of model
show_docs(obj, field::Symbol)

Prints the documentation for the field of obj (as in obj.field) to the console.

obj can be supplied as a type instead if no instances are available.

Example Usage

Usage with a direct type:

julia> show_docs(Model, :nv)
Model.nv: number of degrees of freedom = dim(qvel)

Usage with an instance:

julia> model, data = MuJoCo.sample_model_and_data();
julia> show_docs(model, :nq)
Model.nq: number of generalized coordinates = dim(qpos)
julia> show_docs(data, :qvel)
Data.qvel: velocity (nv x 1)

Creates an instance of the data required for the step! simulation.

Returns a Data object, wrapping the underlying mjData object.


Loads the packages necessary for the running the visualiser.

Add the following packages to your project to be able to use the visualisation features, or run "install_visualiser()".


  • BangBang
  • GLFW
  • Observables
  • PrettyTables
  • Printf
  • StaticArrays

Installs the necessary packages for the running the visualiser into the current running environment.


  • BangBang
  • GLFW
  • Observables
  • PrettyTables
  • Printf
  • StaticArrays

Determines the type of file by the extension and loads the model into memory.

To use this model in a simulator, you will also need the corresponding data, obtained using init_data.

Expected files types: 'xml', 'mjcf', or 'mjb' (or uppercase variants).


model = load_model(MuJoCo.humanoid_model_file())
data = init_data(model)
mj_addM(m, d, dst, rownnz, rowadr, colind)

Add inertia matrix to destination matrix. Destination can be sparse uncompressed, or dense when all int* are NULL


  • m::Model -> Constant.
  • d::Data
  • dst::Vector{Float64} -> A vector of variable size. dst should be a vector, not a matrix. dst should be of size nM.
  • rownnz::Vector{Int32} -> A vector of variable size. rownnz should be a vector, not a matrix. rownnz should be of size nv.
  • rowadr::Vector{Int32} -> A vector of variable size. rowadr should be a vector, not a matrix. rowadr should be of size nv.
  • colind::Vector{Int32} -> A vector of variable size. colind should be a vector, not a matrix. colind should be of size nM.
mj_angmomMat(m, d, mat, body)

Compute subtree angular momentum matrix.


  • m::Model -> Constant.
  • d::Data
  • mat::Matrix{Float64} -> A matrix of variable size. mat should be of shape (3, nv).
  • body::Int32
mj_applyFT(m, d, force, torque, point, body, qfrc_target)

Apply Cartesian force and torque (outside xfrc_applied mechanism).


  • m::Model -> Constant.
  • d::Data
  • force::Vector{Float64} -> A vector of size 3. force should be a vector of size 3. Constant.
  • torque::Vector{Float64} -> A vector of size 3. torque should be a vector of size 3. Constant.
  • point::Vector{Float64} -> A vector of size 3. point should be a vector of size 3. Constant.
  • body::Int32
  • qfrc_target::Vector{Float64} -> A vector of variable size. qfrc_target should be a vector, not a matrix. qfrc_target should be of size nv.
mj_array([element_type=mjtNum], dims...)

Allocates an array compatible with the underlying MuJoCo C API.

The C API treats arrays as row-major, while by default arrays in Julia are column-major. This function will create an array which is accessed in a row-major way, but can be treated by a normal array in your Julia code.


  • element_type: Defaults to mjtNum (typically Float64).
  • dims: The dimensionality of output array. Can either be a tuple of integers or a series of integers.
mj_constraintUpdate(m, d, jar, cost, flg_coneHessian)

Compute efcstate, efcforce, qfrc_constraint, and (optionally) cone Hessians. If cost is not NULL, set cost = s(jar) where jar = Jacqacc-aref.


  • m::Model -> Constant.
  • d::Data
  • jar::Vector{Float64} -> A vector of variable size. jar should be a vector, not a matrix. size of jar should equal nefc. Constant.
  • cost::Vector{Float64} -> An optional vector of size 1. cost should be a vector of size 1. Can set to nothing if not required.
  • flg_coneHessian::Int32
mj_differentiatePos(m, qvel, dt, qpos1, qpos2)

Compute velocity by finite-differencing two positions.


  • m::Model -> Constant.
  • qvel::Vector{Float64} -> A vector of variable size. qvel should be a vector, not a matrix. qvel should be of size nv.
  • dt::Float64
  • qpos1::Vector{Float64} -> A vector of variable size. qpos1 should be a vector, not a matrix. qpos1 should be of size nq. Constant.
  • qpos2::Vector{Float64} -> A vector of variable size. qpos2 should be a vector, not a matrix. qpos2 should be of size nq. Constant.
mj_fullM(m, dst, M)

Convert sparse inertia matrix M into full (i.e. dense) matrix.


  • m::Model -> Constant.
  • dst::Matrix{Float64} -> A matrix of variable size. dst should be of shape (nv, nv).
  • M::Vector{Float64} -> A vector of variable size. M should be a vector, not a matrix. M should be of size nM. Constant.
mj_geomDistance(m, d, geom1, geom2, distmax, fromto)

Returns smallest signed distance between two geoms and optionally segment from geom1 to geom2.


  • m::Model -> Constant.
  • d::Data -> Constant.
  • geom1::Int32
  • geom2::Int32
  • distmax::Float64
  • fromto::Matrix{Float64} -> An optional matrix of variable size. fromto should be of size 6. Can set to nothing if not required.
mj_getState(m, d, state, spec)

Get state.


  • m::Model -> Constant.
  • d::Data -> Constant.
  • state::Vector{Float64} -> A vector of variable size. state should be a vector, not a matrix. state size should equal mj_stateSize(m, spec).
  • spec::Int32
mj_integratePos(m, qpos, qvel, dt)

Integrate position with given velocity.


  • m::Model -> Constant.
  • qpos::Vector{Float64} -> A vector of variable size. qpos should be a vector, not a matrix. qpos should be of size nq.
  • qvel::Vector{Float64} -> A vector of variable size. qvel should be a vector, not a matrix. qvel should be of size nv. Constant.
  • dt::Float64
mj_jac(m, d, jacp, jacr, point, body)

Compute 3/6-by-nv end-effector Jacobian of global point attached to given body.


  • m::Model -> Constant.
  • d::Data
  • jacp::Matrix{Float64} -> An optional matrix of variable size. jacp should be of shape (3, nv). Can set to nothing if not required.
  • jacr::Matrix{Float64} -> An optional matrix of variable size. jacr should be of shape (3, nv). Can set to nothing if not required.
  • point::Vector{Float64} -> A vector of size 3. point should be a vector of size 3. Constant.
  • body::Int32
mj_jacBody(m, d, jacp, jacr, body)

Compute body frame end-effector Jacobian.


  • m::Model -> Constant.
  • d::Data
  • jacp::Matrix{Float64} -> An optional matrix of variable size. jacp should be of shape (3, nv). Can set to nothing if not required.
  • jacr::Matrix{Float64} -> An optional matrix of variable size. jacr should be of shape (3, nv). Can set to nothing if not required.
  • body::Int32
mj_jacBodyCom(m, d, jacp, jacr, body)

Compute body center-of-mass end-effector Jacobian.


  • m::Model -> Constant.
  • d::Data
  • jacp::Matrix{Float64} -> An optional matrix of variable size. jacp should be of shape (3, nv). Can set to nothing if not required.
  • jacr::Matrix{Float64} -> An optional matrix of variable size. jacr should be of shape (3, nv). Can set to nothing if not required.
  • body::Int32
mj_jacGeom(m, d, jacp, jacr, geom)

Compute geom end-effector Jacobian.


  • m::Model -> Constant.
  • d::Data
  • jacp::Matrix{Float64} -> An optional matrix of variable size. jacp should be of shape (3, nv). Can set to nothing if not required.
  • jacr::Matrix{Float64} -> An optional matrix of variable size. jacr should be of shape (3, nv). Can set to nothing if not required.
  • geom::Int32
mj_jacPointAxis(m, d, jacp, jacr, point, axis, body)

Compute translation end-effector Jacobian of point, and rotation Jacobian of axis.


  • m::Model -> Constant.
  • d::Data
  • jacp::Matrix{Float64} -> An optional matrix of variable size. jacp should be of shape (3, nv). Can set to nothing if not required.
  • jacr::Matrix{Float64} -> An optional matrix of variable size. jacr should be of shape (3, nv). Can set to nothing if not required.
  • point::Vector{Float64} -> A vector of size 3. point should be a vector of size 3. Constant.
  • axis::Vector{Float64} -> A vector of size 3. axis should be a vector of size 3. Constant.
  • body::Int32
mj_jacSite(m, d, jacp, jacr, site)

Compute site end-effector Jacobian.


  • m::Model -> Constant.
  • d::Data
  • jacp::Matrix{Float64} -> An optional matrix of variable size. jacp should be of shape (3, nv). Can set to nothing if not required.
  • jacr::Matrix{Float64} -> An optional matrix of variable size. jacr should be of shape (3, nv). Can set to nothing if not required.
  • site::Int32
mj_jacSubtreeCom(m, d, jacp, body)

Compute subtree center-of-mass end-effector Jacobian.


  • m::Model -> Constant.
  • d::Data
  • jacp::Matrix{Float64} -> An optional matrix of variable size. jacp should be of shape (3, nv). Can set to nothing if not required.
  • body::Int32
mj_mulJacTVec(m, d, res, vec)

Multiply dense or sparse constraint Jacobian transpose by vector.


  • m::Model -> Constant.
  • d::Data
  • res::Vector{Float64} -> A vector of variable size. res should be a vector, not a matrix. res should be of length nv.
  • vec::Vector{Float64} -> A vector of variable size. vec should be a vector, not a matrix. vec should be of length nefc. Constant.
mj_mulJacVec(m, d, res, vec)

Multiply dense or sparse constraint Jacobian by vector.


  • m::Model -> Constant.
  • d::Data
  • res::Vector{Float64} -> A vector of variable size. res should be a vector, not a matrix. res should be of length nefc.
  • vec::Vector{Float64} -> A vector of variable size. vec should be a vector, not a matrix. vec should be of length nv. Constant.
mj_mulM(m, d, res, vec)

Multiply vector by inertia matrix.


  • m::Model -> Constant.
  • d::Data -> Constant.
  • res::Vector{Float64} -> A vector of variable size. res should be a vector, not a matrix. res should be of size nv.
  • vec::Vector{Float64} -> A vector of variable size. vec should be a vector, not a matrix. vec should be of size nv. Constant.
mj_mulM2(m, d, res, vec)

Multiply vector by (inertia matrix)^(1/2).


  • m::Model -> Constant.
  • d::Data -> Constant.
  • res::Vector{Float64} -> A vector of variable size. res should be a vector, not a matrix. res should be of size nv.
  • vec::Vector{Float64} -> A vector of variable size. vec should be a vector, not a matrix. vec should be of size nv. Constant.
mj_multiRay(m, d, pnt, vec, geomgroup, flg_static, bodyexclude, geomid, dist, nray, cutoff)

Intersect multiple rays emanating from a single point. Similar semantics to mj_ray, but vec is an array of (nray x 3) directions.


  • m::Model -> Constant.
  • d::Data
  • pnt::Vector{Float64} -> A vector of size 3. pnt should be a vector of size 3. Constant.
  • vec::Vector{Float64} -> A vector of variable size. vec should be a vector, not a matrix. vec should be of size 3*nray. Constant.
  • geomgroup::Vector{UInt8} -> An optional vector of size 6. geomgroup should be a vector of size 6. Can set to nothing if not required. Constant.
  • flg_static::UInt8
  • bodyexclude::Int32
  • geomid::Vector{Int32} -> A vector of variable size. geomid should be a vector, not a matrix. dist and geomid should be of size nray.
  • dist::Vector{Float64} -> A vector of variable size. dist should be a vector, not a matrix. dist and geomid should be of size nray.
  • nray::Int32
  • cutoff::Float64
mj_normalizeQuat(m, qpos)

Normalize all quaternions in qpos-type vector.


  • m::Model -> Constant.
  • qpos::Vector{Float64} -> A vector of variable size. qpos should be a vector, not a matrix. qpos should be of size nq.
mj_ray(m, d, pnt, vec, geomgroup, flg_static, bodyexclude, geomid)

Intersect ray (pnt+x*vec, x>=0) with visible geoms, except geoms in bodyexclude. Return distance (x) to nearest surface, or -1 if no intersection and output geomid. geomgroup, flg_static are as in mjvOption; geomgroup==NULL skips group exclusion.


  • m::Model -> Constant.
  • d::Data -> Constant.
  • pnt::Vector{Float64} -> A vector of size 3. pnt should be a vector of size 3. Constant.
  • vec::Vector{Float64} -> A vector of size 3. vec should be a vector of size 3. Constant.
  • geomgroup::Vector{UInt8} -> An optional vector of size 6. geomgroup should be a vector of size 6. Can set to nothing if not required. Constant.
  • flg_static::UInt8
  • bodyexclude::Int32
  • geomid::Vector{Int32} -> A vector of size 1. geomid should be a vector of size 1.
mj_rne(m, d, flg_acc, result)

RNE: compute M(qpos)*qacc + C(qpos,qvel); flg_acc=0 removes inertial term.


  • m::Model -> Constant.
  • d::Data
  • flg_acc::Int32
  • result::Vector{Float64} -> A vector of variable size. result should be a vector, not a matrix. result should have length nv.
mj_setState(m, d, state, spec)

Set state.


  • m::Model -> Constant.
  • d::Data
  • state::Vector{Float64} -> A vector of variable size. state should be a vector, not a matrix. state size should equal mj_stateSize(m, spec).
  • spec::Int32
mj_solveM(m, d, x, y)

Solve linear system M * x = y using factorization: x = inv(L'DL)*y


  • m::Model -> Constant.
  • d::Data
  • x::Matrix{Float64} -> A matrix of variable size.
  • y::Matrix{Float64} -> A matrix of variable size. Constant.
mj_solveM2(m, d, x, y)

Half of linear solve: x = sqrt(inv(D))inv(L')y


  • m::Model -> Constant.
  • d::Data
  • x::Matrix{Float64} -> A matrix of variable size.
  • y::Matrix{Float64} -> A matrix of variable size. Constant.
mj_zeros([element_type=mjtNum], dims...)

Allocates an array full of zeros, compatible with the underlying MuJoCo C API.

The C API treats arrays as row-major, while by default arrays in Julia are column-major. This function will create an array which is accessed in a row-major way, but can be treated by a normal array in your Julia code.


  • element_type: The element type of the array. Defaults to mjtNum (typically Float64).
  • dims: The dimensionality of output array. Can either be a tuple of integers or a series of integers.
mjd_inverseFD(m, d, eps, flg_actuation, DfDq, DfDv, DfDa, DsDq, DsDv, DsDa, DmDq)

Finite differenced Jacobians of (force, sensors) = mjinverse(state, acceleration) All outputs are optional. Output dimensions (transposed w.r.t Control Theory convention): DfDq: (nv x nv) DfDv: (nv x nv) DfDa: (nv x nv) DsDq: (nv x nsensordata) DsDv: (nv x nsensordata) DsDa: (nv x nsensordata) DmDq: (nv x nM) single-letter shortcuts: inputs: q=qpos, v=qvel, a=qacc outputs: f=qfrcinverse, s=sensordata, m=qM notes: optionally computes mass matrix Jacobian DmDq flgactuation specifies whether to subtract qfrcactuator from qfrc_inverse


  • m::Model -> Constant.
  • d::Data
  • eps::Float64
  • flg_actuation::UInt8
  • DfDq::Matrix{Float64} -> An optional matrix of variable size. DfDq should be of shape (nv, nv). Can set to nothing if not required.
  • DfDv::Matrix{Float64} -> An optional matrix of variable size. DfDv should be of shape (nv, nv). Can set to nothing if not required.
  • DfDa::Matrix{Float64} -> An optional matrix of variable size. DfDa should be of shape (nv, nv). Can set to nothing if not required.
  • DsDq::Matrix{Float64} -> An optional matrix of variable size. DsDq should be of shape (nv, nsensordata). Can set to nothing if not required.
  • DsDv::Matrix{Float64} -> An optional matrix of variable size. DsDv should be of shape (nv, nsensordata). Can set to nothing if not required.
  • DsDa::Matrix{Float64} -> An optional matrix of variable size. DsDa should be of shape (nv, nsensordata). Can set to nothing if not required.
  • DmDq::Matrix{Float64} -> An optional matrix of variable size. DmDq should be of shape (nv, nM). Can set to nothing if not required.
mjd_subQuat(qa, qb, Da, Db)

Derivatives of mju_subQuat.


  • qa::Vector{Float64} -> A vector of variable size. qa should be a vector, not a matrix. qa must have size 4. Constant.
  • qb::Vector{Float64} -> A vector of variable size. qb should be a vector, not a matrix. qb must have size 4. Constant.
  • Da::Matrix{Float64} -> An optional matrix of variable size. Da must have size 9. Can set to nothing if not required.
  • Db::Matrix{Float64} -> An optional matrix of variable size. Db must have size 9. Can set to nothing if not required.
mjd_transitionFD(m, d, eps, flg_centered, A, B, C, D)

Finite differenced transition matrices (control theory notation) d(x_next) = Adx + Bdu d(sensor) = Cdx + Ddu required output matrix dimensions: A: (2nv+na x 2nv+na) B: (2nv+na x nu) D: (nsensordata x 2nv+na) C: (nsensordata x nu)


  • m::Model -> Constant.
  • d::Data
  • eps::Float64
  • flg_centered::UInt8
  • A::Matrix{Float64} -> An optional matrix of variable size. A should be of shape (2nv+na, 2nv+na). Can set to nothing if not required.
  • B::Matrix{Float64} -> An optional matrix of variable size. B should be of shape (2*nv+na, nu). Can set to nothing if not required.
  • C::Matrix{Float64} -> An optional matrix of variable size. C should be of shape (nsensordata, 2*nv+na). Can set to nothing if not required.
  • D::Matrix{Float64} -> An optional matrix of variable size. D should be of shape (nsensordata, nu). Can set to nothing if not required.

Return L1 norm: sum(abs(vec)).


  • vec::Vector{Float64} -> A vector of variable size. vec should be a vector, not a matrix.
mju_add(res, vec1, vec2)

Set res = vec1 + vec2.


  • res::Vector{Float64} -> A vector of variable size. res should be a vector, not a matrix. res and vec1 should have the same size. res and vec2 should have the same size.
  • vec1::Vector{Float64} -> A vector of variable size. vec1 should be a vector, not a matrix. res and vec1 should have the same size. Constant.
  • vec2::Vector{Float64} -> A vector of variable size. vec2 should be a vector, not a matrix. res and vec2 should have the same size. Constant.
mju_addScl(res, vec1, vec2, scl)

Set res = vec1 + vec2*scl.


  • res::Vector{Float64} -> A vector of variable size. res should be a vector, not a matrix. res and vec1 should have the same size. res and vec2 should have the same size.
  • vec1::Vector{Float64} -> A vector of variable size. vec1 should be a vector, not a matrix. res and vec1 should have the same size. Constant.
  • vec2::Vector{Float64} -> A vector of variable size. vec2 should be a vector, not a matrix. res and vec2 should have the same size. Constant.
  • scl::Float64
mju_addTo(res, vec)

Set res = res + vec.


  • res::Vector{Float64} -> A vector of variable size. res should be a vector, not a matrix. res and vec should have the same size.
  • vec::Vector{Float64} -> A vector of variable size. vec should be a vector, not a matrix. res and vec should have the same size. Constant.
mju_addToScl(res, vec, scl)

Set res = res + vec*scl.


  • res::Vector{Float64} -> A vector of variable size. res should be a vector, not a matrix. res and vec should have the same size.
  • vec::Vector{Float64} -> A vector of variable size. vec should be a vector, not a matrix. res and vec should have the same size. Constant.
  • scl::Float64
mju_band2Dense(res, mat, ntotal, nband, ndense, flg_sym)

Convert banded matrix to dense matrix, fill upper triangle if flg_sym>0.


  • res::Matrix{Float64} -> A matrix of variable size. res should have ntotal rows. res should have ntotal columns.
  • mat::Vector{Float64} -> A vector of variable size. mat should be a vector, not a matrix. Constant.
  • ntotal::Int32 -> res should have ntotal rows. res should have ntotal columns.
  • nband::Int32
  • ndense::Int32
  • flg_sym::UInt8
mju_bandMulMatVec(res, mat, vec, ntotal, nband, ndense, nVec, flg_sym)

Multiply band-diagonal matrix with nvec vectors, include upper triangle if flg_sym>0.


  • res::Vector{Float64} -> A vector of variable size. res should be a vector, not a matrix. res should have ntotal rows. res should have nVec columns.
  • mat::Matrix{Float64} -> A matrix of variable size. Constant.
  • vec::Matrix{Float64} -> A matrix of variable size. vec should have ntotal rows. vec should have nVec columns. Constant.
  • ntotal::Int32 -> res should have ntotal rows. vec should have ntotal rows.
  • nband::Int32
  • ndense::Int32
  • nVec::Int32 -> res should have nVec columns. vec should have nVec columns.
  • flg_sym::UInt8
mju_boxQP(res, R, index, H, g, lower, upper)

minimize 0.5x'Hx + x'g s.t. lower <= x <= upper, return rank or -1 if failed inputs: n - problem dimension H - SPD matrix nn g - bias vector n lower - lower bounds n upper - upper bounds n res - solution warmstart n return value: nfree <= n - rank of unconstrained subspace, -1 if failure outputs (required): res - solution n R - subspace Cholesky factor nfreenfree allocated: n(n+7) outputs (optional): index - set of free dimensions nfree allocated: n notes: the initial value of res is used to warmstart the solver R must have allocatd size n(n+7), but only nfree*nfree values are used in output index (if given) must have allocated size n, but only nfree values are used in output only the lower triangles of H and R and are read from and written to, respectively the convenience function mju_boxQPmalloc allocates the required data structures


  • res::Vector{Float64} -> A vector of variable size. res should be a vector, not a matrix.
  • R::Matrix{Float64} -> A matrix of variable size. size of R should be n*(n+7).
  • index::Vector{Int32} -> An optional vector of variable size. index should be a vector, not a matrix. size of index should equal n. Can set to nothing if not required.
  • H::Matrix{Float64} -> A matrix of variable size. H should be of shape (n, n). Constant.
  • g::Vector{Float64} -> A vector of variable size. g should be a vector, not a matrix. size of g should equal n. Constant.
  • lower::Vector{Float64} -> An optional vector of variable size. lower should be a vector, not a matrix. size of lower should equal n. Can set to nothing if not required. Constant.
  • upper::Vector{Float64} -> An optional vector of variable size. upper should be a vector, not a matrix. size of upper should equal n. Can set to nothing if not required. Constant.
mju_cholFactor(mat, mindiag)

Cholesky decomposition: mat = L*L'; return rank, decomposition performed in-place into mat.


  • mat::Matrix{Float64} -> A matrix of variable size. mat should be a square matrix.
  • mindiag::Float64
mju_cholFactorBand(mat, ntotal, nband, ndense, diagadd, diagmul)

Band-dense Cholesky decomposition. Returns minimum value in the factorized diagonal, or 0 if rank-deficient. mat has (ntotal-ndense) x nband + ndense x ntotal elements. The first (ntotal-ndense) x nband store the band part, left of diagonal, inclusive. The second ndense x ntotal store the band part as entire dense rows. Add diagadd+diagmul*mat_ii to diagonal before factorization.


  • mat::Vector{Float64} -> A vector of variable size. mat should be a vector, not a matrix.
  • ntotal::Int32
  • nband::Int32
  • ndense::Int32
  • diagadd::Float64
  • diagmul::Float64
mju_cholSolve(res, mat, vec)

Solve (mat*mat') * res = vec, where mat is a Cholesky factor.


  • res::Vector{Float64} -> A vector of variable size. res should be a vector, not a matrix.
  • mat::Matrix{Float64} -> A matrix of variable size. mat should be a square matrix. Constant.
  • vec::Vector{Float64} -> A vector of variable size. vec should be a vector, not a matrix. Constant.
mju_cholSolveBand(res, mat, vec, ntotal, nband, ndense)

Solve (matmat')res = vec where mat is a band-dense Cholesky factor.


  • res::Vector{Float64} -> A vector of variable size. res should be a vector, not a matrix. size of res should equal ntotal.
  • mat::Vector{Float64} -> A vector of variable size. mat should be a vector, not a matrix. Constant.
  • vec::Vector{Float64} -> A vector of variable size. vec should be a vector, not a matrix. size of vec should equal ntotal. Constant.
  • ntotal::Int32
  • nband::Int32
  • ndense::Int32
mju_cholUpdate(mat, x, flg_plus)

Cholesky rank-one update: LL' +/- xx'; return rank.


  • mat::Matrix{Float64} -> A matrix of variable size. mat should be a square matrix.
  • x::Vector{Float64} -> A vector of variable size. x should be a vector, not a matrix.
  • flg_plus::Int32
mju_copy(res, data)

Set res = vec.


  • res::Vector{Float64} -> A vector of variable size. res should be a vector, not a matrix. res and data should have the same size.
  • data::Vector{Float64} -> A vector of variable size. data should be a vector, not a matrix. res and data should have the same size. Constant.
mju_d2n(res, vec)

Convert from double to mjtNum.


  • res::Vector{Float64} -> A vector of variable size. res should be a vector, not a matrix. res and vec should have the same size.
  • vec::Vector{Float64} -> A vector of variable size. vec should be a vector, not a matrix. res and vec should have the same size. Constant.
mju_decodePyramid(force, pyramid, mu)

Convert pyramid representation to contact force.


  • force::Vector{Float64} -> A vector of variable size. force should be a vector, not a matrix.
  • pyramid::Vector{Float64} -> A vector of variable size. pyramid should be a vector, not a matrix. Constant.
  • mu::Vector{Float64} -> A vector of variable size. mu should be a vector, not a matrix. Constant.
mju_dense2Band(res, mat, ntotal, nband, ndense)

Convert dense matrix to banded matrix.


  • res::Vector{Float64} -> A vector of variable size. res should be a vector, not a matrix.
  • mat::Matrix{Float64} -> A matrix of variable size. mat should have ntotal rows. mat should have ntotal columns. Constant.
  • ntotal::Int32 -> mat should have ntotal rows. mat should have ntotal columns.
  • nband::Int32
  • ndense::Int32
mju_dot(vec1, vec2)

Return dot-product of vec1 and vec2.


  • vec1::Vector{Float64} -> A vector of variable size. vec1 should be a vector, not a matrix. vec1 and vec2 should have the same size. Constant.
  • vec2::Vector{Float64} -> A vector of variable size. vec2 should be a vector, not a matrix. vec1 and vec2 should have the same size. Constant.
mju_encodePyramid(pyramid, force, mu)

Convert contact force to pyramid representation.


  • pyramid::Vector{Float64} -> A vector of variable size. pyramid should be a vector, not a matrix.
  • force::Vector{Float64} -> A vector of variable size. force should be a vector, not a matrix. Constant.
  • mu::Vector{Float64} -> A vector of variable size. mu should be a vector, not a matrix. Constant.

Set mat to the identity matrix.


  • mat::Matrix{Float64} -> A matrix of variable size. mat should be square.
mju_f2n(res, vec)

Convert from float to mjtNum.


  • res::Vector{Float64} -> A vector of variable size. res should be a vector, not a matrix. res and vec should have the same size.
  • vec::Vector{Float32} -> A vector of variable size. vec should be a vector, not a matrix. res and vec should have the same size. Constant.
mju_fill(res, val)

Set res = val.


  • res::Vector{Float64} -> A vector of variable size. res should be a vector, not a matrix.
  • val::Float64

Insertion sort, resulting list is in increasing order.


  • res::Vector{Float64} -> A vector of variable size. res should be a vector, not a matrix.

Integer insertion sort, resulting list is in increasing order.


  • res::Vector{Int32} -> A vector of variable size. res should be a vector, not a matrix.

Return 1 if all elements are 0.


  • vec::Vector{Float64} -> A vector of variable size. vec should be a vector, not a matrix.
mju_mulMatMat(res, mat1, mat2)

Multiply matrices: res = mat1 * mat2.


  • res::Matrix{Float64} -> A matrix of variable size. #rows in res should equal #rows in mat1.
  • mat1::Matrix{Float64} -> A matrix of variable size. #columns in mat1 should equal #rows in mat2. Constant.
  • mat2::Matrix{Float64} -> A matrix of variable size. Constant.
mju_mulMatMatT(res, mat1, mat2)

Multiply matrices, second argument transposed: res = mat1 * mat2'.


  • res::Matrix{Float64} -> A matrix of variable size. #rows in res should equal #rows in mat1. #columns in res should equal #rows in mat2.
  • mat1::Matrix{Float64} -> A matrix of variable size. Constant.
  • mat2::Matrix{Float64} -> A matrix of variable size. Constant.
mju_mulMatTMat(res, mat1, mat2)

Multiply matrices, first argument transposed: res = mat1' * mat2.


  • res::Matrix{Float64} -> A matrix of variable size. #rows in res should equal #columns in mat1.
  • mat1::Matrix{Float64} -> A matrix of variable size. #rows in mat1 should equal #rows in mat2. Constant.
  • mat2::Matrix{Float64} -> A matrix of variable size. Constant.
mju_mulMatTVec(res, mat, vec)

Multiply transposed matrix and vector: res = mat' * vec.


  • res::Vector{Float64} -> A vector of variable size. res should be a vector, not a matrix.
  • mat::Matrix{Float64} -> A matrix of variable size. Constant.
  • vec::Vector{Float64} -> A vector of variable size. vec should be a vector, not a matrix. Constant.
mju_mulMatVec(res, mat, vec)

Multiply matrix and vector: res = mat * vec.


  • res::Vector{Float64} -> A vector of variable size. res should be a vector, not a matrix.
  • mat::Matrix{Float64} -> A matrix of variable size. Constant.
  • vec::Vector{Float64} -> A vector of variable size. vec should be a vector, not a matrix. Constant.
mju_mulVecMatVec(vec1, mat, vec2)

Multiply square matrix with vectors on both sides: returns vec1' * mat * vec2.


  • vec1::Vector{Float64} -> A vector of variable size. vec1 should be a vector, not a matrix. Constant.
  • mat::Matrix{Float64} -> A matrix of variable size. Constant.
  • vec2::Vector{Float64} -> A vector of variable size. vec2 should be a vector, not a matrix. Constant.
mju_n2d(res, vec)

Convert from mjtNum to double.


  • res::Vector{Float64} -> A vector of variable size. res should be a vector, not a matrix. res and vec should have the same size.
  • vec::Vector{Float64} -> A vector of variable size. vec should be a vector, not a matrix. res and vec should have the same size. Constant.
mju_n2f(res, vec)

Convert from mjtNum to float.


  • res::Vector{Float32} -> A vector of variable size. res should be a vector, not a matrix. res and vec should have the same size.
  • vec::Vector{Float64} -> A vector of variable size. vec should be a vector, not a matrix. res and vec should have the same size. Constant.

Return vector length (without normalizing vector).


  • vec::Vector{Float64} -> A vector of variable size. vec should be a vector, not a matrix. Constant.

Normalize vector, return length before normalization.


  • vec::Vector{Float64} -> A vector of variable size. vec should be a vector, not a matrix.

Print matrix to screen.


  • mat::Matrix{Float64} -> A matrix of variable size. Constant.
mju_scl(res, vec, scl)

Set res = vec*scl.


  • res::Vector{Float64} -> A vector of variable size. res should be a vector, not a matrix. res and vec should have the same size.
  • vec::Vector{Float64} -> A vector of variable size. vec should be a vector, not a matrix. res and vec should have the same size. Constant.
  • scl::Float64
mju_sqrMatTD(res, mat, diag)

Set res = mat' * diag * mat if diag is not NULL, and res = mat' * mat otherwise.


  • res::Matrix{Float64} -> A matrix of variable size. #rows in res should equal #columns in mat.
  • mat::Matrix{Float64} -> A matrix of variable size. Constant.
  • diag::Vector{Float64} -> An optional vector of variable size. diag should be a vector, not a matrix. Can set to nothing if not required.
mju_sub(res, vec1, vec2)

Set res = vec1 - vec2.


  • res::Vector{Float64} -> A vector of variable size. res should be a vector, not a matrix. res and vec1 should have the same size. res and vec2 should have the same size.
  • vec1::Vector{Float64} -> A vector of variable size. vec1 should be a vector, not a matrix. res and vec1 should have the same size. Constant.
  • vec2::Vector{Float64} -> A vector of variable size. vec2 should be a vector, not a matrix. res and vec2 should have the same size. Constant.
mju_subFrom(res, vec)

Set res = res - vec.


  • res::Vector{Float64} -> A vector of variable size. res should be a vector, not a matrix. res and vec should have the same size.
  • vec::Vector{Float64} -> A vector of variable size. vec should be a vector, not a matrix. res and vec should have the same size. Constant.

Return sum(vec).


  • vec::Vector{Float64} -> A vector of variable size. vec should be a vector, not a matrix.
mju_symmetrize(res, mat)

Symmetrize square matrix res = (mat + mat')/2.


  • res::Matrix{Float64} -> A matrix of variable size. res and mat should have the same shape.
  • mat::Matrix{Float64} -> A matrix of variable size. mat should be square. res and mat should have the same shape. Constant.
mju_transpose(res, mat)

Transpose matrix: res = mat'.


  • res::Matrix{Float64} -> A matrix of variable size. #columns in res should equal #rows in mat. #rows in res should equal #columns in mat.
  • mat::Matrix{Float64} -> A matrix of variable size. Constant.

Set res = 0.


  • res::Vector{Float64} -> A vector of variable size. res should be a vector, not a matrix.
resetkey!(m::Model, d::Data, [keyframe = 1])

Resets the data struct to values in the supplied keyframe.

If no keyframe is specified, the first keyframe is used. The keyframe is a 1-based index into the list supplied by the model's specification.


A utility module to create and initialise example Model and Data objects, reflecting the underlying mjModel and mjData structs to provide REPL code completition to aid development.

Returns a (model, data) tuple.

set_physics_state!(m::Model, d::Data, x::AbstractVector)

Set the state vector of a MuJoCo model.

The state vector is [joint positions, joint velocities, actuator states] with dimension (nq, nv, na). Call forward! after setting the state to compute all derived quantities in the Data object according to the new state.

See also mj_setState and get_physics_state.

step!(model::Model, data::Data)

Runs the simulation forward one time step, modifying the underlying data object.


Extract the solver time-step for the given model.



visualise!(m::Model, d::Data; controller=nothing, trajectories=nothing, resolution=nothing)

Starts an interactive visualization of a MuJoCo model specified by an instance of Model and Data.

The visualizer has three "modes" that allow you to visualize passive dynamics, run a controller interactively, or play back recorded trajectories. The passive dynamics mode is always available, while the controller and trajectory modes are specified by the keyword arguments below.

Press F1 for help after running the visualiser to print the available mouse/button options in the terminal. Switch between modes with CTRL+RightArrow and CTRL+LeftArrow (or CMD for Mac). The different visualiser modes are ordered as follows:

  1. Controller mode (if controller keyword is provided)
  2. Trajectory mode (if trajectories keyword is provided)
  3. Passive mode (always available)


  • controller: a callback function with the signature controller(m, d), called at each timestep, that applies a control input to the system (or does any other operation you like).

  • trajectories: a single trajectory or Vector of trajectories, where each trajectory is an AbstractMatrix of states with size (nx, T) where nx = model.nq + model.nv + and T is the length of the trajectory. Note that each trajectory can have a different length.

  • resolution: a specific initial window resolution, useful for recording videos. Set this to nothing to use default value of 2/3s of the screen size.


using MuJoCo
install_visualiser() # Run this to install dependencies only once
init_visualiser()    # Load required dependencies into session

# Load a model
model, data = MuJoCo.sample_model_and_data()

# Simulate and record a trajectory
T = 200
nx = model.nq + model.nv +
states = zeros(nx, T)
for t in 1:T
    states[:,t] = get_physics_state(model, data)
    step!(model, data)

# Define a controller
function ctrl!(m,d)
    d.ctrl .= 2*rand( .- 1

# Run the visualiser
reset!(model, data)
visualise!(model, data, controller=ctrl!, trajectories = states)

Named Access

actuator([model, data], [name, index])

Creates an object with access to views of the supplied model or data object, based either on an index or a name. Index refers to MuJoCo IDs, which start at 0. Properties available are: (id, name, ctrl, length, moment, velocity, force)

body([model, data], [name, index])

Creates an object with access to views of the supplied model or data object, based either on an index or a name. Index refers to MuJoCo IDs, which start at 0. Properties available are: (id, name, applied, xpos, xquat, xmat, xipos, ximat, com, cinert, crb, cvel, linvel, angmom, cacc, int, ext)

cam([model, data], [name, index])

Creates an object with access to views of the supplied model or data object, based either on an index or a name. Index refers to MuJoCo IDs, which start at 0. Properties available are: (id, name, xpos, xmat)

eq([model, data], [name, index])

Creates an object with access to views of the supplied model or data object, based either on an index or a name. Index refers to MuJoCo IDs, which start at 0. Properties available are: (id, name, type, obj1id, obj2id, active0, solref, solimp, data)

exclude([model, data], [name, index])

Creates an object with access to views of the supplied model or data object, based either on an index or a name. Index refers to MuJoCo IDs, which start at 0. Properties available are: (id, name, signature)

geom([model, data], [name, index])

Creates an object with access to views of the supplied model or data object, based either on an index or a name. Index refers to MuJoCo IDs, which start at 0. Properties available are: (id, name, xpos, xmat)

hfield([model, data], [name, index])

Creates an object with access to views of the supplied model or data object, based either on an index or a name. Index refers to MuJoCo IDs, which start at 0. Properties available are: (id, name, size, nrow, ncol, adr)

jnt([model, data], [name, index])

Creates an object with access to views of the supplied model or data object, based either on an index or a name. Index refers to MuJoCo IDs, which start at 0. Properties available are: (id, name, xanchor, xaxis)

key([model, data], [name, index])

Creates an object with access to views of the supplied model or data object, based either on an index or a name. Index refers to MuJoCo IDs, which start at 0. Properties available are: (id, name, time, qpos, qvel, act, mpos, mquat, ctrl)

light([model, data], [name, index])

Creates an object with access to views of the supplied model or data object, based either on an index or a name. Index refers to MuJoCo IDs, which start at 0. Properties available are: (id, name, xpos, xdir)

mat([model, data], [name, index])

Creates an object with access to views of the supplied model or data object, based either on an index or a name. Index refers to MuJoCo IDs, which start at 0. Properties available are: (id, name, texid, texuniform, texrepeat, emission, specular, shininess, reflectance, rgba)

mesh([model, data], [name, index])

Creates an object with access to views of the supplied model or data object, based either on an index or a name. Index refers to MuJoCo IDs, which start at 0. Properties available are: (id, name, vertadr, vertnum, texcoordadr, faceadr, facenum, graphadr)

numeric([model, data], [name, index])

Creates an object with access to views of the supplied model or data object, based either on an index or a name. Index refers to MuJoCo IDs, which start at 0. Properties available are: (id, name, adr, size)

pair([model, data], [name, index])

Creates an object with access to views of the supplied model or data object, based either on an index or a name. Index refers to MuJoCo IDs, which start at 0. Properties available are: (id, name, dim, geom1, geom2, signature, solref, solimp, margin, gap, friction)

sensor([model, data], [name, index])

Creates an object with access to views of the supplied model or data object, based either on an index or a name. Index refers to MuJoCo IDs, which start at 0. Properties available are: (id, name)

site([model, data], [name, index])

Creates an object with access to views of the supplied model or data object, based either on an index or a name. Index refers to MuJoCo IDs, which start at 0. Properties available are: (id, name, xpos, xmat)

skin([model, data], [name, index])

Creates an object with access to views of the supplied model or data object, based either on an index or a name. Index refers to MuJoCo IDs, which start at 0. Properties available are: (id, name, matid, rgba, inflate, vertadr, vertnum, texcoordadr, faceadr, facenum, boneadr, bonenum)

tendon([model, data], [name, index])

Creates an object with access to views of the supplied model or data object, based either on an index or a name. Index refers to MuJoCo IDs, which start at 0. Properties available are: (id, name, wrapadr, wrapnum, Jrownnz, Jrowadr, J_colind, length, J, velocity)

tex([model, data], [name, index])

Creates an object with access to views of the supplied model or data object, based either on an index or a name. Index refers to MuJoCo IDs, which start at 0. Properties available are: (id, name, type, height, width, adr)

tuple([model, data], [name, index])

Creates an object with access to views of the supplied model or data object, based either on an index or a name. Index refers to MuJoCo IDs, which start at 0. Properties available are: (id, name, adr, size)
